Athletic Eligibility and Policies


There is an age limit on interscholastic competition. To be eligible to participate in grades 10 through 12, you must not have reached you 19th birthday by June 30 immediately preceding the school year.


Students must report to school by 8:45 am to participate in extra-curricular activities, in the event of a 2 hour delay students must arrive before 10:30 am.


There are two eligibility checks that all school districts must complete. They are the weekly eligibility and the end of the marking period eligibility. At 9:00 am every Wednesday, the Athletic Department will go on Power School and run a program that determines which students are not passing 4 full credits subjects or are failing 2 classes. At that time, each student who has not met those standards will be emailed by the Athletic Department.  The parents and head coach will also receive an email.

The students will have until Friday at 2:00 pm to better his/her grades. The Athletic Department will check Power School on Friday at 2:00 PM to see if the student has brought up their grade. This process gives the students two (2) days to raise one or more grades to passing. If the student does not bring their grade (s) up by 2:00 pm on Friday, he/she will be ineligible for practice and playing sports for the following week (Sunday-to-Saturday). Student parents and coaches will then be emailed of the ineligibility after the deadline.

  • If a student has not passed four credits at the end of a quarter grading period, the student will be ineligible for 15 school days beginning on the first day the report cards are issued.
  • At the end of the school year, the student’s final credits in the student’s subjects rather than the student’s credits for the last grading period shall be used to determine the student’s eligibility for the next grading period.


You are eligible only if you have completed a comprehensive initial pre-participation physical evaluation (“CIPPE”), performed by an Authorized Medical Examiner (as that term is defined in the GLOSSARY of the PIAA By-Laws) before your first sport season’s first practice of that school year. If you want to participate in subsequent sport(s) in the same school year, you may be required to be re-evaluated and re-certified that your physical condition is satisfactory.

A Re-Certification by parent or guardian physical is a different process.  Section 7 of the physical form must be completed.   This form must be completed not earlier than 6 weeks prior to the first practice day of the sport(s) season(s) identified by the herein by the parent/guardian of any student who is seeking to participate in Practice, Inter-School Practices, Scrimmages, and/or Contests in all subsequent sport seasons in the same school year.  The Principal . or the Principal’s designee, of the herein named student’s school must review the SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH HISTORY.  If any SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH HISTORY questions are either checked yes or circled, the herein named student shall submit a completed Section 8, Re-Certification by Licensed Physician o Medicine or Osteopathic Medicine, to the Principal, or Principal’s designee, of the student’s school.